Lowrey School

Lowrey Students Switch Electives

Time goes by so fast. Already half a year has passed, which means that it’s time to switch electives. On Monday, January 27, most students started their new semester with a different course. Though there are some classes like Arabic I (8th grade) that students may have all year, most electives are given for only one semester. Electives are chosen the year before. Students must number their electives from 1 being the most preferable, to 3 or 4 (depending on the grade) being the least. The counseling office tries then tries to give students their first choice, but a classroom can only fit so many students. Electives do count toward students’ GPA, but not as much as core classes. Switching electives every semester allow students to try new things, and maybe find hidden talents or areas of interest.
Electives that students attend for only one semester:
6th grade:
* Introduction to Keyboarding
* Introduction to Art
* Music Connections LMS
7th grade:
* Art 2- Dimensional 1
* Art 3- Dimensional 1
* Computer Applications
* Introduction to Arabic
8th grade:
* MS Multimedia Exploration
* Art 2-D Dimensional 2
* Art 3-D Dimensional 2
* Computer Applications