Lowrey School

March Newsletter and Calendar

March is reading Month!!!

During this time, it is a tradition that we celebrate all of the joys of reading.  At the middle school level, each teacher will choose a theme and align this theme to the decorations of their classroom doors.  All of the students will be involved in this process and we would love for you to take the time to stop by and see the beautiful hallway and door decorations.  Every year the students do an amazing job and they look absolutely incredible.  It is prevalent that we at Lowrey School go above and beyond to extend reading and writing across the curriculum in all of our classrooms and this in itself is worth the celebration.  We ask all of our parents to extend this celebration even more by encouraging your child to read at home for at least 20-30 minutes per day.  Remember, the mind is like a muscle, the more exercise it, the stronger it gets.

Thank you for your support and for sharing with us, this celebration in the month of March.

For the complete newsletter in PDF form click here

Newsletter March 2014
