Lowrey School

Mayor O’Reilly visits Lowrey School for March is Reading Month!

Thank you Mayor O’reilly for visiting our students! We appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedule to read to our future leaders!


Lowrey Principal Rima Younes, Mrs. Hamid, Mrs. Mokdad and Mayor O'reilly from left to right

Lowrey Principal Rima Younes, Mrs. Hamid, Mrs. Mokdad and Mayor O’Reilly

Students closely looking the mayor while he is reading the book Mayor O'Reilly reads to them! Students are on the carpet paying attention. Ms. Mokdad

Mayor O’reilly reading a book to students!

Students looking at pictures from the book Mayor O'Reilly reads to them! Students are on the carpet paying attention.

Students looking at pictures from the book Mayor O’Reilly reads to them!

Teacher Promethean Board has a picture displayed of Mayor O'reilly