Lowrey School

DSHINES – Making Everyone’s Days of ‘Social Distancing’ a Little Bit Healthier

Week 5

To help support good health during each week of the shutdown, DSHINES content will be added here. We are now over 3,000 content views across the elementary and middle school level!!  It is exciting to see that these resources have been useful, making everyone’s days of ‘social distancing’ a little bit healthier.  

Here are the links to this week’s content:

Elementary School Lessons in English: https://dl.orangedox.com/DSHINESESLessonsEnglish 

Elementary School Lessons in Arabichttps://dl.orangedox.com/DSHINESESLessonsArabic

Middle School Lessons in Englishhttps://dl.orangedox.com/DSHINESMSLessonsEnglish 

Middle School Lessons in Arabichttps://dl.orangedox.com/DSHINESMSLessonsArabic