Lowrey School

Welcome Back!

Greetings Polar Bears! I hope you had a wonderful break with your family and friends while remaining safe and healthy. We wish you a happy and healthy New Year.

Mark your calendars! We will be holding our next parent meeting virtually on Tuesday, January 11th 9:00-10:00 a.m. I look forward to seeing you all.

Topics Discussed:

Covid Protocols – Nurse Amy Kandes

Upcoming Assessments-WIDA, MSTEP, NWEA (STAR Pilot 4-8)

Pick up/Drop off

Questions & Concerns

Zoom Link: https://dearbornschools-org.zoom.us/j/88609810638?pwd=ZnpTb2ZQb0NHcVZoUGZrWmQvTytaUT09