Students will be taking the Michigan Student Test of Educational Process (M-STEP) at the end of April- beginning of May. Each grade level will be testing over a two-week span. Eighth graders begin testing the week of April 11th followed by the 6th and then 7th graders. New this year, most students will be taking the test online using a computer.
You play a vital role in helping your student give their best performance; even when testing. Below are a few suggestions that could help your student feel more comfortable and confident before and during the weeks of testing:
- During the weeks leading up to the M-STEP begin to talk with your student about the importance of giving their best effort during testing.
- The night before the test(s) assist your student with getting to bed on time. Research shows that being well-rested helps students achieve at higher levels.
- Talk with your student about the M-STEP and encourage them to give their best.
- Get up early to avoid being rushed the days of testing. Have your student eat a HEALTHY and nutritious breakfast!
- Make sure your student arrives to school on time.
- Practice! Practice! Practice!- Students know how to access the M-Step practice tests online. It is crucial they practice at home!