Fifth grade parents interested in learning more about STEM Middle School's admission process for next year are encouraged to visit STEM's Admission Information page. The page has more details about admission criteria and the timeline for this spring. STEM Middle...
Katie Hetrick

Free Parent University sessions set for March, April and May
Parents are every child’s first teachers, and Dearborn Public Schools is offering some free lessons for those teachers. Parent University will be held this year on three Fridays: March 8, April 26 and May 17. The free, one-hour sessions are open to parents or...
Career Center hosting open house and college/career fair on Feb. 21
High school students and parents in Dearborn Public Schools, as well as community and business members, are invited to an open house at Michael Berry Career Center on Feb. 21, 2024 from 5 to 6:30 p.m. The event will allow students and guests to learn more about...
Early College, DCMST taking applications for next year’s ninth graders
Know an eighth grader interested in a specialized four- or five-year high school program? January and February are when the district takes applications for four specialized programs that run for all of high school. Eighth graders and their parents – both in and...

Empty Bowls fundraiser helps students and families in need
The Dearborn Public Schools Art department is hosting its 32nd annual Empty Bowls meal on Monday, Nov. 13, 2023 from 4:30 to 7 p.m. at Park Place Banquet Hall, 23400 Park Street, Dearborn. For a minimum suggested $5 donation, guests who attend this...
Reminder on when to keep sick kids home
Germs seem to come in waves, and Dearborn Public Schools, like most of Michigan, has seen an increase lately in a variety of infections being passed around. So it seemed a good time to remind families about our handy When To Keep Your Child Home from School...

Paid childcare available on Early Release Tuesdays
With the start of Early Release Tuesdays next month (October 2023), the district is announcing a new childcare option for parents who need assistance afterschool. Early Release Enrichment Club is a paid after school enrichment program for students in...

Dearborn PTA Council picnic on Sunday
Dearborn PTA Council is holding a back-to-school picnic on Sunday, Aug. 27 from 1 to 4 p.m. at Ford Field Park. PTA members and their students are invited to this free event.See the picnic flyer.

District calendar approved
The Dearborn Public Schools Board of Education voted on Monday night to approve the new contract with the Dearborn Federation of Teachers, which also sets the district’s calendar for the year. The Aug. 21, 2023 vote approved the five-year contract, which also...

June 19 Board of Education meeting moved to Edsel Ford High
The Dearborn Public Schools Board of Education meeting for Monday, June 19, 2023 is being moved to Edsel Ford High School. The meeting will be held in the auditorium and will still begin at 7 p.m. The board agenda and other meeting materials are now available on the...