Lowrey School

Julia Orzechowski

Summer Discovery Program for Lowrey Students

The Summer Discovery program is being offered to all K-7 Lowrey students from June 23 to July 25, 2025. It will be held at McCollough-Unis from 9:00-3:30, Monday- Friday. Bussing will be offered from our building before and after school.  8th grade...


Parent/Teacher Conferences Coming Soon

Students and families are invited to attend conferences. Middle School families have conferences on March 4, 2025, from 1:45 pm - 4:45 pm. Elementary families have conferences on March 11, 2025, from 1:50 pm - 4:50 pm.

Nominations Open for Teacher of the Year Award

Nominations Open for Teacher of the Year Award

Nominations are still underway for the Alberta Muirhead Teacher of the Year Awards. Students can nominate up to two Dearborn Public School teachers using the online nomination form. Five teachers will receive awards, including one from each category – preschool...

Tentative Calendar for 2025-2026 School Year Released

The most up-to-date version of the calendar is always available on the district website at www.dearbornschools.org/calendars.  Printable versions of the calendar are posted at the bottom of the page.  Parents are reminded to check with their child’s school...