Attendance: Please be sure to call the attendance office at 313-827-1800 if your child is going to be absent or late before 9:00 a.m. Please note if your child is late, you need to sign him back to school at the attendance office; students should not go straight to class. If parents are planning to check out their children from school, they must come to the office and office staff will call your children down. We ask that parents do not go straight to class and take out their children.
Morning Supervision:As a reminder, Lowrey students are not to arrive at school until 7:45 a.m. for middle school and until 8:20 a.m. for elementary. Students should not arrive early unless they are going to the cafeteria for breakfast or going to morning tutoring.
Dismissal Time: Lately, we noticed that many of our parents are starting to arrive to school before the designated release times (2:55 for Middle School, 3:35 for Elementary) to pick up their students. Furthermore, when elementary parents are in the hallway before the end of the school day, it becomes very difficult for the teachers to keep students focused. Students become distracted when they see parents in the hallways. Teachers are instructed to walk all students outside at dismissal time. We would like all parents to wait either in their cars or outside their child’s exit door.