Polar Express - Lowrey Student Newspaper Information Meeting Thursday 10-10-19 Today!!! Mrs. Wiedyke's Room #250 3pm to 3:40pm Anyone who is interested in writing articles for our Lowrey Student Newspaper should come to the meeting. We are...
Class News
2019-20 Parent Perception Survey
Dear Parent/Guardian, Lowrey School is using this Parent Survey as a means to elicit your beliefs and opinions to help target areas for the school system to improve and areas to continue to be effective. The online survey will be available until 11/15/19. In order to...
Join Us for the 8th Annual Robert Cipriano Memorial Run
Cipriano Run Flyer Download Cipriano Run Permission SlipDownload
September 2019 “Students of the Month”
Thank you to all the parents that attended our first parent meeting. Please join us next month on oct. 24th, 8:30am.
PARENT MEETING this Thursday, 9/19 at 8:30-9:30
Coffee and a lite snack will be provided. We look forward to having you.
SIP Sign up-Parents
If you wish to participate, complete the form by clicking on the link below and you will receive a call and email with the building location approximately one hour prior to the start of the visit. Due to the nature of the unannounced visits, we understand that you may...
Updated School Threat Letter from Prosecutor Worthy
Prosecutor-Worthy-School-Threat-Letter-2019-ArabicDownload Prosecutor-Worthy-School-Threat-Letter-2019-SpanishDownload Prosecutor-Worthy-School-Threat-Letter-2019Download
PTA Update on Remind & Whats App
Letter from Mrs. Younes
Dear Families, As we begin this new school year, we wanted to take a few minutes to share a collective commitment. As you are aware, we have seen an increase in vaping among teenagers. This has become more than a building and/or district concern. Our primary goal at...